About Us

The El Dorado Fire Rescue (EFR) provides structural fire protection, wildland fire suppression, rescue and emergency medical services to the El Dorado community and adjacent areas along the U.S. Route 285 corridor south from Interstate 25 in Santa Fe County, New Mexico. EFR is one of four fire districts in the Eastern region of the Santa Fe County Fire Department. EFR is a volunteer department with approximately 25 members. Experience ranges from less than 1 year to more than 20 years in the fire service. The department currently maintains 12 apparatus including:
- Four structural engines (one in reserve) with capacity to carry up to 1,500 gallons of water and pump up to 1,750 gallons of water per minute;
- Two wildland engines used for fighting wildland fires; a type 3 and a type 6
- Two water tenders with a capacity to carry up to 1,500 gallons of water. These vehicles are used for fires in non-hydranted areas;
- One ambulance capable of providing up to advanced life support:
- A heavy rescue vehicle carrying a wide variety of rescue and extrication equipment;
- A tower ladder which is a 70′ aerial platform capable of pumping 2,000 gallons of water per minute
EFR maintains an Insurance Services Organization (ISO) rating of 3. The ISO program evaluates fire protection services throughout the United States under the general principal that a community’s investment in fire mitigation is a reliable predictor of future fire losses. Many insurance companies base their premiums for fire insurance on this rating. The EFR rating of 3 is the highest ISO rating for a volunteer fire department in the State of New Mexico.
EFR receives strong support from the El Dorado community and the department places great value in that support. We are committed to community education and involvement, but first and foremost we are here to provide emergency services whenever we are called.

About Our Shoulder Patch

Patch Design
The EL Dorado Fire & Rescue Service shoulder patch was redesigned in early 2007 and contains symbols of service to the public, the El Dorado community and the fire service.
The Maltese cross is identified as an ancient symbol of an order of warriors known as the Knights of Malta. The Maltese cross is an image of protection and a badge of honor. The firefighter wearing the Maltese cross is willing to lay down his or her life to protect you as were the original Knights of Malta. The firefighter wears the Maltese cross as a badge of honor, signifying that he or she works in courage. The eight points of the Maltese cross are said to represent the chivalric virtues of:
Courage and Bravery
Glory and Honor
Contempt of Death
The Maltese cross is colored yellow because it is often used as a color of warning or to symbolize danger. The Maltese cross is outlined in red to represent bravery and courage, the lifeblood of every fire department. The American flag behind the eagle symbolizes the freedom and liberty we all enjoy as Americans.
El Dorado Patch The eagle too is a symbol of our great nation but it also represents strength, vigilance, courage, bravery and freedom. The open wings on the eagle stand for protection. On national symbols the eagle is often depicted holding an olive branch in one talon indicating the nation’s desire for peace and a bundle of arrows indicating the nation’s willingness to fight for freedom. On the El Dorado Fire and Rescue Service patch, the eagle is depicted descending into flames clutching crossed fire axes in its talons indicating a commitment to respond to all emergencies. The eagle’s claws are secured firmly around the axes, a traditional tool in the battle against fire, signifying the importance of physical strength and control.
On the left wing of the Maltese cross is a windmill which is a longtime symbol of the El Dorado Community as evidenced by the 1997 book on the El Dorado Community titled Windmills and Dreams. The windmill also represents the importance of water to fire departments and fire suppression activities.
The symbol on the right wing of the Maltese cross is called œcane. This is the cattle brand of the ranch owned by Alva Simpson. The Simpson Ranch was the property from which El Dorado and the surrounding areas were built and represents the history of the El Dorado area on the patch.